About US

Since 2014, Olive Marketing Co. has been helping businesses reach their goals.
We’re very fortunate to have a fantastic team helping us make that happen.

Our Approach to Digital Marketing is Centered Around Learning & Growing With You & Your Customers

Hi, my name is Josh Olive. I’m the Founder of Olive Marketing Co. 

As we’ve helped companies grow and evolve to keep up with the changing business landscape, our company principles have remained the same.

Our boutique marketing firm believes in working with you, hand-in-hand, to learn about your customer base and your business. We believe that, by working together, we can communicate with your customers in a way that drives them to action.

Your success is our success. We understand that your business is unique and a one-size-fits-all solution is not what your business needs. We look at everything from your graphics, website, social media platforms, and all things branding and advertising related to assess what will be the most efficient methods of advertising to reach your ideal client. By creating a plan & implementing the best strategies for your specific business and goals, we’ll find success together.

Let’s Get Started

Ready To Make a Real Change?

Let’s Build this Thing Together!